Time for a weekly chart catch-up.
Sep 18-25
1 Bad Weekend 5 - I think this was suitable because the weekend concerned was fairly bad, if I recall. Nice little riff.
2 In Between Lines 4 - This would be in my top 5 songs on my overall track chart if I hadn't tagged it incorrectly the first time. I mean, what does "In Bet" mean? Really beautiful instrumental though.
2 Little Yellow Spider 4 - Folky acoustic song with very amusing lyrics about little yellow spiders, psychedelic dancing crabs and sexy pigs from the bearded Devendra Banhart.
2 The Black Crow 4 - Dark, broody...damn good.
2 Sugar Kane 4 - This is some of the finest 6 minutes of indie guitar playing I have ever heard.
2 Drinkin' 4 - I love that little riff tee-hee. Fewer horns now but still same old RBF..
2 Magic Hours 4 - Wow.
2 Grandfather's Nursery 4 - I can't find this anywhere on any Pulp album! Grr.. Probably their most beautiful song, builds up to a wonderful climax "And here comes the rain.."
2 Hope There's Someone 4 - First and only song I've heard by him, it was certainly strange the first time but after a while the beauty of it dawned on me.
2 Dust in the Sunlight 4 - I still can't believe this is a B-side....
Whoa, first time the "Top 10 this week" was actually 10 songs.....
Sep 25-Oct 2
1 Entertain 9 - Came across these girls recently...this absolutely rocks. With a capital "ock". Some seriously good guitars in this...*is sexist and cannot believe that they're girls* And not to mention the ferocious drumming, catchy backing vocals.. etc..
2 Art Is Hard 6 - OK it's emo. But not your average MCR rubbish either. I kinda get fed up of defending some of the emo that I listen to, some is actually very, very good. But no, stupid emokids and MTV etc have to ruin it for the rest of us decent music fans by giving it a bad name. Not to mention some of the classic emo stuff like Cap'n Jazz which I recently discovered…etc…/rambling rant. This one’s more focused on the instrumental side of the song – some dramatic strings and horns, good stuff.
2 No Fear of Falling 6 – Be-a-u-tiful. Another little acoustic classic, quiet, lovely…also the lyrics are encouraging, almost giving a moral to the song… “Do not stumble through the night, have no fear of falling.” Awesome. Yet to find a bad I Am Kloot song…*tempts fate*
4 Punchdrunk 5 – Hehe. This guy, is, apparently, one of the worlds greatest banjo players, and I might be inclined to agree. Features some high-speed plucking with other instruments eg violin coming in as well. It always brings a smile to my face, it seems to have a very happy amusing sound.
5 Song For A Blue Guitar 4 – Sad little song, really nice though. Love the male/female vocals and overall acousticness.
6 Delicate 3 – Talking of male/female vocals and overall acousticness!…Ok I don’t think the female singer is in this one. Anyway, I’ve had this for ages on some compilation, never listened to it for some odd reason. I really must buy O at some point.
6 under a wave 3 – Apparently I’m the only person to have listened to Sound City Riot Act on last fm. I swear I’ve heard of them a few times before, but some ad by them on C4 teletext led me to remember them (I think) and to check out some of their songs on their website (the lengths I go to for new music, eh?) This is my favourite one, post rock kinda sound. I guess that means I qualify for the journal andrewbiles wrote somewhere, about being the only person to have listened to an artist on last fm…can’t find it now. Anyway, if you’re somehow reading this, Andrew, I’m that guy who sent you a congratulatory message on UG ages ago regarding the tablature of BSP – Remember Me. You probably don’t remember…
6 Memory Lane 3 – Still gorgeous and melodic.
6 Same Size Feet 3 – Ah, Word Gets Around. Classic album. The Phonics used to have an uncanny knack of being able to write songs that build up to brilliant rockin’ climaxes of wall of sound guitars…see: Plastic California, and..er..this. Lyrically ace as well.
6 Traffic 3 – Lyrically even ace-r. “We all face the same way, but still it takes all day…” I mean, he’s writing a song about a fecking traffic jam, amazing stuff.
6 One Of These Things First 3 – Supposedly a 60s Elliott Smith, research into him so far has been going well. Hasn’t let me down with this one, a good ‘un.
6 Strange and Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell on You) 3 – I think this was probably in some advert. Nice piano.
6 A Wooden Horse 3 – The calm after thestorm colossal hurricane of Lately. Lovely.
6 Sunday Morning 3 – Mmmm…
6 Since I've Been Loving You (live) 3 – Probably one of the best live versions of a song I’ve heard. Far better than the original, Plant and Page on top form here.
Phew. That was tough. I think I’ll try and do ‘em one a week from now on…
Art Brut The Album Leaf Devendra Banhart Songs:Ohia Sonic Youth Reel Big Fish Explosions in the Sky Pulp Antony and the Johnsons Editors Sleater-Kinney Cursive I Am Kloot Bela Fleck Red House Painters Damien Rice Sound City Riot Act Elliott Smith Stereophonics Nick Drake Aqualung British Sea Power The Velvet Underground Led Zeppelin Sorry for the simply huge list of artist connections…
Sep 18-25
1 Bad Weekend 5 - I think this was suitable because the weekend concerned was fairly bad, if I recall. Nice little riff.
2 In Between Lines 4 - This would be in my top 5 songs on my overall track chart if I hadn't tagged it incorrectly the first time. I mean, what does "In Bet" mean? Really beautiful instrumental though.
2 Little Yellow Spider 4 - Folky acoustic song with very amusing lyrics about little yellow spiders, psychedelic dancing crabs and sexy pigs from the bearded Devendra Banhart.
2 The Black Crow 4 - Dark, broody...damn good.
2 Sugar Kane 4 - This is some of the finest 6 minutes of indie guitar playing I have ever heard.
2 Drinkin' 4 - I love that little riff tee-hee. Fewer horns now but still same old RBF..
2 Magic Hours 4 - Wow.
2 Grandfather's Nursery 4 - I can't find this anywhere on any Pulp album! Grr.. Probably their most beautiful song, builds up to a wonderful climax "And here comes the rain.."
2 Hope There's Someone 4 - First and only song I've heard by him, it was certainly strange the first time but after a while the beauty of it dawned on me.
2 Dust in the Sunlight 4 - I still can't believe this is a B-side....
Whoa, first time the "Top 10 this week" was actually 10 songs.....
Sep 25-Oct 2
1 Entertain 9 - Came across these girls recently...this absolutely rocks. With a capital "ock". Some seriously good guitars in this...*is sexist and cannot believe that they're girls* And not to mention the ferocious drumming, catchy backing vocals.. etc..
2 Art Is Hard 6 - OK it's emo. But not your average MCR rubbish either. I kinda get fed up of defending some of the emo that I listen to, some is actually very, very good. But no, stupid emokids and MTV etc have to ruin it for the rest of us decent music fans by giving it a bad name. Not to mention some of the classic emo stuff like Cap'n Jazz which I recently discovered…etc…/rambling rant. This one’s more focused on the instrumental side of the song – some dramatic strings and horns, good stuff.
2 No Fear of Falling 6 – Be-a-u-tiful. Another little acoustic classic, quiet, lovely…also the lyrics are encouraging, almost giving a moral to the song… “Do not stumble through the night, have no fear of falling.” Awesome. Yet to find a bad I Am Kloot song…*tempts fate*
4 Punchdrunk 5 – Hehe. This guy, is, apparently, one of the worlds greatest banjo players, and I might be inclined to agree. Features some high-speed plucking with other instruments eg violin coming in as well. It always brings a smile to my face, it seems to have a very happy amusing sound.
5 Song For A Blue Guitar 4 – Sad little song, really nice though. Love the male/female vocals and overall acousticness.
6 Delicate 3 – Talking of male/female vocals and overall acousticness!…Ok I don’t think the female singer is in this one. Anyway, I’ve had this for ages on some compilation, never listened to it for some odd reason. I really must buy O at some point.
6 under a wave 3 – Apparently I’m the only person to have listened to Sound City Riot Act on last fm. I swear I’ve heard of them a few times before, but some ad by them on C4 teletext led me to remember them (I think) and to check out some of their songs on their website (the lengths I go to for new music, eh?) This is my favourite one, post rock kinda sound. I guess that means I qualify for the journal andrewbiles wrote somewhere, about being the only person to have listened to an artist on last fm…can’t find it now. Anyway, if you’re somehow reading this, Andrew, I’m that guy who sent you a congratulatory message on UG ages ago regarding the tablature of BSP – Remember Me. You probably don’t remember…
6 Memory Lane 3 – Still gorgeous and melodic.
6 Same Size Feet 3 – Ah, Word Gets Around. Classic album. The Phonics used to have an uncanny knack of being able to write songs that build up to brilliant rockin’ climaxes of wall of sound guitars…see: Plastic California, and..er..this. Lyrically ace as well.
6 Traffic 3 – Lyrically even ace-r. “We all face the same way, but still it takes all day…” I mean, he’s writing a song about a fecking traffic jam, amazing stuff.
6 One Of These Things First 3 – Supposedly a 60s Elliott Smith, research into him so far has been going well. Hasn’t let me down with this one, a good ‘un.
6 Strange and Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell on You) 3 – I think this was probably in some advert. Nice piano.
6 A Wooden Horse 3 – The calm after the
6 Sunday Morning 3 – Mmmm…
6 Since I've Been Loving You (live) 3 – Probably one of the best live versions of a song I’ve heard. Far better than the original, Plant and Page on top form here.
Phew. That was tough. I think I’ll try and do ‘em one a week from now on…
Art Brut The Album Leaf Devendra Banhart Songs:Ohia Sonic Youth Reel Big Fish Explosions in the Sky Pulp Antony and the Johnsons Editors Sleater-Kinney Cursive I Am Kloot Bela Fleck Red House Painters Damien Rice Sound City Riot Act Elliott Smith Stereophonics Nick Drake Aqualung British Sea Power The Velvet Underground Led Zeppelin Sorry for the simply huge list of artist connections…